What if you could get your signature talk done in just a few weeks? You can.
You don't need as much time as you think to craft a stand-out talk.
What you need is a process, support, and the time to do it.
You make the time; we've got everything else.
Write and deliver your talk LIVE on March 2, 2023.
Get your 10-minute signature talk done before Christmas.
(No, I'm not kidding.)
If you'd make time in your schedule to speak at an event, then why wouldn't you make time in your schedule to prepare for one?
You can come up with, craft, and deliver your signature talk—in 4 weeks flat. I can help.
Join me for the

In six weeks, you will...

Sharpen and hone your idea for a talk — and write it

Share your work + get real-time feedback

Push past writer's (and speaker's!) block with a critic-free approach

Learn an intuitive, creative way to approach and structure any talk

Tap and develop your natural storytelling ability

Learn the do's and don'ts of slide decks
“If you want to move the masses with your words and ideas, I cannot recommend Terri’s coaching and expertise highly enough. She’s one-of-a-kind and truly a genius at what she does!”
Selena Soo, Impacting Millions
Access to the 1-day workshop
7 subsequent workshops with hot seats
Access to all class recordings
Virtual speaker showcase, free and open to the public
Your recording from the speaker showcase (unedited)
Course material, including workbook and guides
Unmute Yourself replay (reg. $47)
1 month FREE of The Studio, a weekly writing workspace (reg. $297)
Kickoff Workshop
Fri, ET
Workshops with Hot Seats:
Mon Nov 14 @ 5:30p ET
Wed Nov 16 @ 12:00p ET
Fri Nov 18 @ 12:00p
Nov 28 @ 5:30p ET
Nov 30 @ 12:00p ET
Virtual Showcase Rehearsals:
Mon Dec 5 @ 5:30p ET
Wed Dec 7 @ 12:00p ET
Thurs, March 2nd @ 5:00p ET
The culmination of your efforts is the Virtual Speaker Showcase! Deliver your 10-minute talk to a live virtual audience alongside your fellow speakers in a publicized free and open event. Plus, get a copy of your performance!
“Most coaches help you polish and perfect. Terri helps you find the stuff that you really need to be talking about. What she does is amazing and different from anybody I ever worked with.”
Kate White, New York Times bestselling author & former editor in chief of Cosmopolitan
How it works
FIRST, we craft.
During our workshop, you'll learn a fresh approach to creating a signature, 10-minute talk, with guidance, feedback, and the opportunity to generate, develop, and shape it.
Then, we deliver.
During our speaker showcase, you’ll present your 10-minute talk to your fellow speakers and a virtual audience, including anyone you want to invite! The showcase will be free and open to the public, and I will be promoting across my network.
Why 10 minutes?
Because it’s the sweet spot for building a talk—because if you can’t make your point in 10, you will struggle to do it in 20. The 10-minute window allows enough time for you to articulate your thought and argument, but not so much time that you can wander off. It encourages you to be economical in how you think through and organize your ideas. Plus, once you have the base of a 10-minute talk, you can dial it back to do a shorter version, or build on and expand it into a longer talk when you need to.
Craft your signature 10-minute talk in 6 weeks.
“I’ve never worked with anyone who has the same ability to quickly size up what it is you want to say and find the most brilliant points and bring it out of you.”
Laura Tempesta, TEDx speaker and founder, Bravolution

Frequently Asked Questions...
What is the program like?
We’ll meet as a group on Zoom meeting for the full day and the subsequent virtual workshops, which is where you'll do a lot of the work. I will guide you through an approach I’ve used with individuals and teams to help them assemble stories and ideas and discover the unique structure of their own 10-minute talk. You’ll have time to work on it in class, but you’ll also likely want to spend time working on it yourself.
During the workshop we will spend time generating content, working on ideas, sharing our work, and upleveling tools—and all our work is done inside the Gateless Method, designed to help you push past blocks and find flow in the work.
That also means there is NO criticism, judgment, or competition in the room. Instead, we point out what’s working and I will pass you tools and ideas for upleveling the work. You’ll explore your content, and the structure of the talk itself, which emerges from the work. Over the course of the program, every participant will get the chance to share and receive feedback, and get some laser coaching from me, as well.
How much time should I expect to spend on the talk outside of workshop?
That is totally up to you! This doesn’t have to take over your life. You’ll want some time to continue what we’ve started in class, and to sort of “metabolize” your ideas. The idea is that this can feel easeful, exploratory, and fun. And you’ll also have the weeks between the workshops and the showcase to work on it further, revisit the recordings, etc.
What if I have to miss a session?
That’s ok! Life happens and if you have to miss, you can catch up on the replays for the course which will be stored on your dashboard for you to access anytime.
Can we do a longer talk if we want?
For this course, you will be limited to a talk that is less than 10 minutes. It’s great practice to stick to this time limit.
What if I’m uneasy speaking up? Will you talk about strategies for helping with that?
That's ok! Included in your enrollment is a replay of the Unmute Yourself workshop — which addresses some of the issues that can come up whenever you go to speak up, on stage or in a group. But not to worry—we don't presume everyone is fearless!
Do I have to know what my speaking topic is?
No. A big part of our work is going to be helping you define and curate your ideas and stories into a short talk that captures something you care about. I’m willing to bet you have some ideas already, and it’s totally ok if they’re not “set” yet. That’s what we’ll be doing! I can’t tell you what to speak about or why you should speak. That’s something you decide. During the workshop, you’ll get the chance to explore your ideas, stories, and topics to help you land on something you can at the very least practice constructing a talk around, so that you can use that tool whenever you need to.
Do I need previous experience as a professional speaker?
Nope! Zero previous experience is required. Rather than worry about what you’ve done in the past, think about what you’re looking to do. Every speaker has their own goals: To do more speaking as a list-growth strategy, to find more clients, to sell books, or to simply do more speaking. It doesn’t matter what your goal is, but you do need to have one. So it’s worth giving some thought to what appeals to you about this. You don’t have to aim to do keynotes for a living, but only you can decide why it’s worth your time, energy, and resources to do it.
What if I have done a lot of public speaking already?
Good! Maybe it’s time to shake things up or break ground on a new topic or angle. I’m not teaching you “how” to speak as much as I am giving you tools, insights, a process, and the space to develop ideas that you as a speaker will continue to need as you and your work evolve. I have worked with plenty of professional speakers, many of whom were bored to tears with what they’d been doing and were dying for something new. I’ll be leading you through an approach to writing and speaking that can get your wheels turning, ignite your creativity, and get you excited to do more speaking!
Will you teach us the formula for booking paid speaking gigs?
There is no magic formula for a single talk or for landing paid speaking gigs. The majority of our time will be focused not on booking strategies, but on the content of your talk itself, because it’s hard to pitch something without knowing what it is. People pay for something that has value for them, their teams, their organization. It’s not whether one person’s talk is ‘worth’ more than someone else’s—it’s about how it’s positioned and sold, and before we can do any of that, we have to focus on what it is you’re trying to say.
What about TEDx talks?
While I have no formal or professional affiliation with TED as an organization, I have given two TEDx talks of my own, coached many others to craft theirs, and been hired as a coach and emcee for independently organized TEDx events. I teach essentially a TED-style signature talk, which has become the gold standard for talks, and a modern model for more personalized public speaking. So if a TEDx talk is a goal, you can absolutely use this time to focus on yours!
What is the Speaker Showcase?
It’s a live, virtual event via Zoom in which you’ll get to deliver your 10-minute signature talk! You can invite anyone you like to attend, and will be given assets to promote the event, which Terri will be doing as well. You'll also receive a copy of the recording of your talk, which you are welcome to use on your website or share online. The showcase is optional, by the way—so if you want to use the Intensive to work on your talk but don’t want to participate in the workshop, that’s ok too. Pls let us know so we can plan the showcases accordingly.
What if I can’t make the Speaker Showcase date?
If the program fills to capacity, we may add a second second showcase date. Rest assured that if we cannot make a date work, you will have the opportunity to cancel your participation in the program, prior to the start of the workshops.
What is the dress rehearsal like?
During the dress rehearsal, you’ll get the chance to run through your talk in real time, become familiar with the run of show. You’ll also get supportive feedback from all of us on how great you’re doing! Most importantly, you’ll be ready, not because you’ve had a year to work on it, but because it’s time—which is really the reason any of us finally take the stage.
How big or small is the Speaker Intensive program?
We meet on Zoom meeting and we see each other face to face (unlike a one-way webinar). Rest assured that this is designed to be an intimate and interactive experience.

Terri Trespicio is an award-winning writer, speaker, brand advisor, and author of Unfollow Your Passion: How to Create a Life that Matters to You (Atria/Simon & Schuster, December 2021). Her TEDx talk, “Stop Searching for Your Passion,” has surpassed 7 million views, and she was named by Hubspot as one of the “Top 18 female speakers who are killing it” and one of the world’s leading creatives by Creative Boom magazine.
Terri helps people who want to work with meaning and live with purpose to stop searching for their passion and start making things happen. Her courses, workshops and retreats help you unlock your creative genius to fuel your stand out ideas.
A former magazine editor and radio host at Martha Stewart, she has appeared on the Today show, Dr. Oz, The Early Show, The Martha Stewart Show and The Anderson Cooper Show. Her work has been featured Oprah magazine, Marie Claire, Prevention, Business Insider, Forbes.com, and Inc.com. A top-rated speaker, she was rated #1 by attendees at Barron’s and How Design Live—and has performed stand-up comedy all over New York City. She earned her MFA in creative writing from Emerson College, won first place for creative nonfiction in the Baltimore Review’s 2016 literary contest. Terri lives in Manhattan. More at territrespicio.com.